How dare you! How dare you speak of my son and his courage! How dare you say his name in your hypocritical praise. You who used him and threw his life away. You who wanted to be a "war president" like it's some sort of sick game! A monster to end all monsters.
Blood for oil - just so long as it's your oil and not your blood. And with you, who knows, maybe even then. Calling his death noble is just your way of calling yourself noble for your wicked, wicked endeavors. You do not have permission to speak his name. You certainly don't have permission to speak of his death!
I don't ask you to repent. That's between you and your war god. God help you if you ever crawl out of that hole of yours. Because there's thousands upon thousands of screaming wailing voices waiting to be heard. I don't want to hear your bullshit. I want to hear you're sorry. That would be a start to honoring him.